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1741 Morse Ave
Sacramento, CA

1741 Morse Ave

3 bd • 2 ba • 1,767 sf

This analysis was generated on 3/2/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

AI Property Analysis

0:00 / 0:00
List Price




Year Built


AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

• Price Position: At $282.40 per sqft, the property's price is difficult to assess without comparable sales data in the immediate area. • Appreciation Trend: Property sold for $208,000 in 2002 and $320,000 in 2003, indicating a 53.8% increase in one year. It is now listed for $499,000, a 55.9% increase since 2003. • Rental Income: $2,496/month with 90% occupancy (0.1% cap rate) • Safety: The violent crime rate is lower than both state and national averages (-16.8% and -23.6%, respectively). However, property crime is lower than the state average (-5.3%) but higher than the national average (13.6%). Robbery, burglary, and motor vehicle theft rates show mixed comparisons, with burglary being significantly higher than both state and national averages (24.3% and 69.8%, respectively). • Future Development: The property description mentions proximity to shopping, schools, and Kaiser. Further research into specific planned commercial or residential developments in the immediate vicinity is recommended to assess potential impacts on property values and traffic. • The layout appears functional, with an open flow between the living room, dining area, and kitchen. However, the kitchen's layout and finishes are outdated.

The Bad

• Kitchen Remodel (HIGH priority): $15,000 • Bathroom Renovation (HIGH priority): $8,000 • Front Porch Repair (MEDIUM priority): $3,000 • Driveway Repair/Replacement (MEDIUM priority): $5,000 • Carpet Replacement (MEDIUM priority): $10,000 • Major flood risk (5/10) requires critical insurance coverage, adding to ownership costs. • Extreme air quality risk (10/10) with 33 bad air days per year may deter some buyers. • Severe heat risk (7/10) with 7 hot days per year and a 98th percentile temperature of 102°F may require additional cooling expenses. • Below-average school ratings (3/10) may negatively impact property value for families with children. • Relatively high crime rates compared to national averages, particularly for robbery, burglary, and motor vehicle theft, may deter some buyers. • School Quality Issue: The low school ratings (3/10) for the assigned schools (Cottage Elementary and Encina Preparatory High School) may negatively impact property values. Homes in areas with higher-rated schools typically command a premium. The estimated impact could be a 5-10% reduction in value compared to similar properties in better school districts.

The Ugly

No critical issues identified
Front Porch

Front Porch

The front porch shows signs of cracking and wear, indicating potential structural issues.



The driveway has multiple cracks and uneven surfaces, suggesting potential foundation or settling issues.

Bathroom Condition

Bathroom Condition

The bathroom features outdated fixtures, finishes, and a worn shower/tub surround, indicating the need for renovation.

Kitchen Condition

Kitchen Condition

The kitchen has outdated appliances, countertops, and cabinets, suggesting the need for a complete remodel.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

Rental Property Investors: Potential annual revenue of $29,952 with 90% occupancy rate Value Investors: Projected 20.2% appreciation potential in moderate scenario Renovation-Minded Buyers: Estimated $41,000 in strategic upgrades could significantly increase property value

Not For

No specific buyer categories to avoid identified
Area Median Income


Property History

Price History
Ownership Timeline
$0Cash Purchase
Aug 8, 2024
Beth E ThompsonBeth E Thompson, The Beth E Thompson Living Trust
Intrafamily Transfer
Non-Arm's Length Transactions
Oct 1, 2003
Michael L Price, Laurel J PriceRonald H Thompson Jr, Beth E Thompson
Grant Deed
Standard Sale (Purchase/Resales)
Jul 24, 2002
Andrew W Farrar, Dianne D FarrarMichael L Price, Laurel J Price
Grant Deed
Standard Sale (Purchase/Resales)
$0Cash Purchase
Apr 24, 2000
Farrar Andrew W & Dianne DAndrew W Farrar, Dianne D Farrar
Intrafamily Transfer
Non-Arm's Length Transactions

Property Taxes

2024 Tax Assessment
2.6%from previous year
Assessed Value$446,031
Tax Rate1.20%

Sunlight Analysis

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Risk Assessment

Climate Risks


33 bad air quality days per year


7 extreme heat days per year

98th percentile: 102°F


FEMA Zone: Minimal Risk Area

Insurance: Required


Insurance: Optional


Insurance: Optional

Safety Analysis


Based on data from Rancho Cordova Police Department

Total Crime Rate
per 100,000 residents
Violent Crime Rate
per 100,000 residents
Property Crime Rate
per 100,000 residents

Crime Rate Comparison

Recent Crime Trends

Violent Crimes
Property Crimes
Violent Crimes
Property Crimes

Risk Analysis

• Major flood risk (5/10) requires critical insurance coverage, adding to ownership costs. • Extreme air quality risk (10/10) with 33 bad air days per year may deter some buyers. • Severe heat risk (7/10) with 7 hot days per year and a 98th percentile temperature of 102°F may require additional cooling expenses. • Below-average school ratings (3/10) may negatively impact property value for families with children. • Relatively high crime rates compared to national averages, particularly for robbery, burglary, and motor vehicle theft, may deter some buyers. • Climate & Insurance: Mitigation measures for heat risk could include installing energy-efficient windows and HVAC systems (estimated $5,000 - $10,000). Improving air filtration systems may cost $500 - $2,000. Addressing flood risk may require elevating the structure or improving drainage, with costs ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 depending on the specific measures. • Front Porch: The front porch shows signs of cracking and wear, indicating potential structural issues. • Driveway: The driveway has multiple cracks and uneven surfaces, suggesting potential foundation or settling issues. • Bathroom Condition: The bathroom features outdated fixtures, finishes, and a worn shower/tub surround, indicating the need for renovation. • Kitchen Condition: The kitchen has outdated appliances, countertops, and cabinets, suggesting the need for a complete remodel.
Annual Cost


$150 per month

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Cottage Elementary School

PublicGrades K-5
0.5 mi
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General Davie, Jr. Primary Center

0.4 mi
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Encina Preparatory High School

PublicGrades 9-12
0.9 mi
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Monthly Costs
Market Rent (3 bed)


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Location & Comparables

Subject Property
Comparable Sales
View on Zillow

Subject Property

3 bd2 ba
Days on market
3 daysat time of analysis

Stats in the Area

Based on 6 comparable properties nearby

Average Price



Your price is 9.2% below average

Median Price



Based on 6 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft



Your price is 12.6% below average $/sqft

Comparable Properties

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Beds/Baths: 3/2
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1808 richmond, Sacramento, CA 95825
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Beds/Baths: 4/2
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2117 Byron Road, Sacramento, CA 95825
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Sq.Ft: 1,651
Beds/Baths: 3/2
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1915 Maryal Drive, Sacramento, CA 95864
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3709 Dubac Way, Sacramento, CA 95864
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2229 Weldon, Sacramento, CA 95825
Price: $489,000
Sq.Ft: 1,943
Beds/Baths: 4/2
Sale Date: 9/24/2024

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