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320 Barn House Ln
Charlottesville, VA

320 Barn House Ln

5 bd • 6 ba • 5,100 sf

This analysis was generated on 3/12/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

AI Property Analysis

0:00 / 0:00
List Price




Year Built


AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

• Infinity Pool with Spa: High-end pool with integrated spa and modern tile work, adding significant value • Metal Roof: Durable and long-lasting metal roof, a premium feature • Gravel Driveway with Stone Edging: Aesthetically pleasing and well-maintained driveway, enhancing curb appeal • Modern Greenhouse/Potting Shed: Custom-built greenhouse with raised garden beds, appealing to gardening enthusiasts • Barn/Accessory Structure: Additional structure that can be used for storage, workshop, or other purposes • Modern Farmhouse Design • Professionally Landscaped Grounds • Outdoor Fire Pit Area • High-End Outdoor Furniture • Fenced Pasture • Price Position: At $685.29/sqft, this property is significantly more expensive than the median price per square foot in 22901 ($241/sqft). • Appreciation Trend: Homes in 22901 have sold for 3.7% more than they did a year ago, but this property's price history shows recent reductions, indicating a potential disconnect. • Negotiation Opportunity: The property has been on the market for 148 days, significantly above average, suggesting it may be overpriced or have other drawbacks. • Rental Income: $5,575/month with 99% occupancy (0.0% cap rate) • Schools: Strong elementary and high school ratings contribute to property value. Proximity to Meriwether Lewis Elementary adds an estimated 3-5% premium. • Future Development: No specific planned changes in the immediate vicinity are mentioned that would directly impact the property.
Infinity Pool with Spa

Infinity Pool with Spa

High-end pool with integrated spa and modern tile work, adding significant value.

Metal Roof

Metal Roof

Durable and long-lasting metal roof, a premium feature.

Gravel Driveway with Stone Edging

Gravel Driveway with Stone Edging

Aesthetically pleasing and well-maintained driveway, enhancing curb appeal.

Barn/Accessory Structure

Barn/Accessory Structure

Additional structure that can be used for storage, workshop, or other purposes.

The Bad

• High price point may limit the pool of potential buyers • Fire risk is major (6/10), potentially increasing insurance costs • Dependence on high-speed internet and smart-home technology may deter some buyers

The Ugly

No critical issues identified

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

Rental Property Investors: Potential annual revenue of $66,900 with 99% occupancy rate Value Investors: Projected 5.8% appreciation potential in moderate scenario

Not For

No specific buyer categories to avoid identified
Area Median Income


Property History

Price History
Ownership Timeline
Feb 17, 2021
Browns Gap Farm Llc, Ctsm Jm LlcCraig R Savage, Lisa D Savage
Standard Sale (Purchase/Resales)
$395,000Cash Purchase
Mar 18, 2019
Glasselle B Jenkins Rev Declaration Of T, Thomas Haywood Jenkins IiiBrowns Gap Farm Llc
Non-Residential Arm's Length Transactions

Market Insights

Real-time analysis of the local housing market

February 2025
Seller's Market

This is currently a competitive market for buyers in 22901. Homes are selling quickly and often above asking price, so be prepared to act fast and make strong offers.

Change from last month
Your price: $3.5M (+561%)
Your price/sqft: $685/sqft (+184%)
23 sold last month
Change from last month
37 days
Average for homes in this area
Change from last month
This property: 147 days (+297%)

Sale Price Distribution

Last month
Over Asking
At Asking
Under Asking
Total: 23 homes sold

If you're buying a home in 22901, expect to pay close to the asking price. 43.5% of homes here sold near the asking price last month.

Sale Time Distribution

Last month
Under 30 Days
30-90 Days
Over 90 Days
Your property
Total: 17 homes sold

Many homes in 22901 are selling fast, if you're buying plan to act quickly.

Sunlight Analysis

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Risk Assessment

Climate Risks


7 extreme heat days per year

98th percentile: 104°F


Insurance: Required


Insurance: Recommended


0 bad air quality days per year


FEMA Zone: Minimal Risk Area

Insurance: Optional

Risk Analysis

• High price point may limit the pool of potential buyers • Fire risk is major (6/10), potentially increasing insurance costs • Dependence on high-speed internet and smart-home technology may deter some buyers • Climate & Insurance: Wildfire mitigation measures (defensible space, fire-resistant landscaping) could cost $5,000-$15,000. Increased cooling demands may require HVAC upgrades, costing $8,000-$12,000. • Valuation Risk: Property may be overpriced by up to $95,000

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Meriwether Lewis Elementary School

PublicGrades K-5
3.5 mi
Get more information on GreatSchools

Joseph T Henley Middle School

PublicGrades 6-8
3.6 mi
Get more information on GreatSchools

Western Albemarle High School

PublicGrades 9-12
3.9 mi
Get more information on GreatSchools


Monthly Costs
Market Rent (5 bed)


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Location & Comparables

Subject Property
Comparable Sales
View on Zillow

Subject Property

5 bd6 ba
Days on market
147 daysat time of analysis

Stats in the Area

Based on 1 comparable properties nearby

Average Price



Your price is 121.9% above average

Median Price



Based on 1 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft



Your price is 132.3% above average $/sqft

Comparable Properties

Price: $1,575,000
Sq.Ft: 5,334
Beds/Baths: 4/5
Sale Date: 10/29/2024

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